Financial report dashboard is a report on the costs of your account, which displays the main indicators necessary to analyze the effectiveness of your work on the platform.
The dashboard displays all the data on sent messages and all information in the form of clear and easy to read graphs, charts and maps.
How to go to the financial dashboard:
1) In the vertical menu, select item 3, Reports.
Go to the far right Finance tab.
On the left of the drop-down list, select the type of campaigns for which you are currently interested in costs: SMS, Viber, HLR, or Shorturl.
In this case, we are interested in the SMS costs, which means that we need to select SMS from the drop-down list.
2) You can also go to the required financial report from the top menu.
Click on the first item of the horizontal Products menu.
In the drop-down list, select the Finance reports item for the product you are interested in: SMS, Viber, Shorturl or HLR
Select the Financial report period
By default, the selected period is the last 7 days. But you can change it to the last 30 days, last week, current week, last month and current month, or any other time period.
To select an arbitrary period, indicate the start and end dates of the period in the calendar to set the dates you need.
Why do you need a financial report and what can you learn from it?
All your expenses are graphically displayed on the dashboard of the financial report. The reporting period is displayed in the upper right part. By default, this is the last 7 days.
The information blocks of the dashboard are divided into separate blocks, depending by which aspect the information is sorted:
- by traffic source;
- by country;
- by operators.
In the first, upper block, you have access to general sms statistics for the selected period.
General statistics of financial report
In the first upper block of the report, you can see the general data on sent messages for the specified period: the costs, the number of messages, the percentage of delivered and undelivered messages.
Costs by traffic source
Displaying the traffic sources on the dashboard, which is distributed by day and the amount of this traffic.
In this block, you will understand what sending channel spent the most money in comparison to others. If you want, you can leave only the necessary ones displayed. For this, just uncheck the box next to the channel by clicking it. Also, when you select one of the available time periods (one or several months), you can group the data by weeks or days.
A channel in our system is a method of sending messagings data: via API, web or smpp protocol. If you don’t use any channel (for example, you haven’t set integration with your CRM via API and you send all messages manually from your account), then unused channels will not be displayed.
Costs by countries
In the cost slice by country, you can see the number of messages sent to recipients from a specific country and their total cost.
Thanks to this data slice, you will see the shares of countries in the total cost structure for sms campaigns.
Costs by operators
The report on costs by operator is located on the right side of the financial dashboard.
It shows the name of the operator, the number of sent messages, the cost of 1 message and the total cost for this operator for the selected period.
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